Only god can make this build correctly: 3D Game Level 1
Numerous issues with getting this to work correctly, including an hour+ spent trying to get it to build correctly on a school computer. About forty five minutes in I was looking up engine development courses out of spite, since I about had it with Unity. Baked maps do not build automatically; there has to be something I'm missing in how they're stored that keeps them from being automatically applied.
Contents of current scene file. Will play around with in order to make it port better.
Map development followed a pretty typical workflow, as far as I can tell. Whiteboxing to build the basics of terrain, then adding boundaries. I made a mistake by deforming the terrain post-baking and causing issues with enemy behavior. Enemies also suffered since they weren't designed to be duplicated and it caused them not to transport correctly. The use of planes as the primary terrain choice was also a bad idea; backface culling meant that certain perspectives caused the terrain to disappear, which made some platforming difficult.
The boundaries were unclear both from a level editing perspective and from a player perspective. Since I hinged on using a box collider and not a solid surface for the sake of creating barriers, this created empty space that would either not be perfectly aligned with the level boundaries, collide with the level boundaries, or allow for the player to fall into what should be a barrier. This is fundamentally bad design language and completely unnecessary.
Compliments were given to the set dressing, ease of travel and completion, and the definitive end to the level itself. Use of checkpoints was also commended.
For the second version of this level, I aim to complete the following objectives:
- Figure out how to create a unity package that keeps the baked maps.
- Create more clear and logical level boundaries (if the player can see it and it's not destructible, they can't pass through it).
- Use info boxes as signposting and to give a brief understanding of what each section of the level does and where to go.
- Allow for players to restart the level from the menu and the game-over screen.
If time allows, I aim to complete the following stretch objectives:
- Add set dressing (bushes, vines, boulders, etc.) within the level itself to further the jungle theme.
- Make combat encounters more interesting.
- Add more difficult platforming segments, since I had the most fun playing other people's levels with interesting platforming.
Overall, I have a lot of work to do in order to make this level exactly how I want it. The one mandatory technical objective is the proper porting of the navmeshes, which I'm still not sure how to do, but will resolve through additional instruction. All other objectives are in the service of making this level as fun, functional, and relevant to the player as it can possibly be. Nothing seems outside of the realms of what I know how to do, nor does it seem difficult concerning the time. I should be able to have a functional version 2 of this level that fulfills all objectives.
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